Sanna Riihinen

+358 50 512 0093
managwest consultant

Sanna on kuluttajakäyttäytymisen, brändäyksen, sekä uutuustuotteiden lanseerausten osaaja. Hän on ensimmäisenä Venäjällä lanseerannut menestyksellisesti mm. lakritsan ja konseptoinut sen venäläiseen kulttuuriin sopivaksi (Makulaku Metrin laku). Hän on johtanut menestyksellä kosmetiikka-alan globaalien pelureiden myyntiä ja markkinointia Suomessa ja Pohjoismaissa (P&G- Wella, ghd) sekä kehittänyt kemian tukkukauppaa globaalien raaka-ainevalmistajien kanssa. Konsultoinnissa Sanna on ollut mukana vuodesta 2012 ja tulee tukemaan suomalaisia yrityksiä maailmalle yhdessä kansainvälisten konsulttiemme kanssa.

Tapio Riihinen

+358 40 550 5153
managwest consultant

Tapio on toiminut puolet urastaan linjajohdossa mm. pörssiyritysten maajohdossa Venäjällä ja aluepäällikkönä Saksassa, toisen puolen johtamalla konsultointiprojekteja 15 eri maassa. Vuodesta 2014 hän on vetänyt yli 40 kehitysprojektia Euroopan jälleenrakennus- ja kehityspankki EBRD:n tiimikoordinaattorina. Näissä projekteissa edistettiin Idän ja Lännen yhteistyötä eri alojen läntisten huipputekijöiden kanssa. Samojen konsulttien kanssa tarjotaan nyt palveluja suomalaisille yrityksille uusien markkinoiden valtaamisessa maailmalla.

Dominique Huret

+32 476 867 688
managwest consultant

Mrs Dominique, Brussels  is a communication expert and journalist in the food, beverage and packaging sectors for the last 15 years.  She writes in French and English for leading independents magazines in the FMCG sectors and holds a weekly industry blog.  She is member of the International Packaging Press Organization. With a background in audiovisual journalism, she interviews and edits shorts videos, updates website and online pages. Co-founder of Cape Decision consulting practice, Dominique is EBRD Advisor in visibility.

Jean Schrurs

+32 498 53 04 58
managwest consultant

Based in Brusels, Jean is a food, beverage and packaging advisor with 30 years of industry and consulting experience. His span of expertise includes innovation, market access and commercial assistance. His consulting practice advised more than 100 clients in 60+ countries over 4 continents. References include The Coca-Cola Company, Procter &Gamble, Tetra Pak, ABInbev, Crown Packaging and Georgia Pacific. Jean is also senior advisor for EBRD

Andrey Golubovsky

Canada, USA
managwest consultant

Andrey has been supporting European businesses in opening and developing businesses in Canada and North America since 2012. Latest achievements were helping Europeans to enter into web-shop and e-commerce of leading U.S grocery chain. Andrey helped over 10 brands (including with EBRD and Tapio) to size-up North American markets,  among specialization area are consumer packaged goods, consumer life-style products, foodservice & food ingredients industries. The team can help to research Canada / US market potential, identify distribution partners and support market launch with outsourced “country management” team.

Sonja Mortensen

+45 27280709
managwest consultant
Sonja has been supporting several, both small and large, international companies in opening and developing businesses in Denmark and Scandinavia. Sonja´s key expertise is in sales, marketing, distribution and business development.
Sonja`s natural people skills and passion is connecting people and business. With over 15 years of experience, and through her large network she finds the best match, also for your products and services.

Pawel Schmalij

+49 / 171 / 1938100

Berlin based Pawel is a well known expert in various import-export relations between Germany and Eastern Europe (so far!).

His company also acts also as industrial agent for distribution of construction related materials

Within EBRD Pawel has # 1 track record in opening markets in EU for “Eastern World” , so far six Easten companies has established their position in Germany with Pawel`s help.

For the Finnish companies Pawel can quickly identify with his Berlin team best business opportunities and identify most potential partners After short market research, his team starts establishing contacts and the door will soon be open for Finns for joint business matching visits in Germany

Andreas Von Schoenberg

Germany , UK
+49 (0)157 – 58 24 02 31
managwest consultant

Andreas will be very happy to assist Finnish companies identify and develop Cleantech opportunities in Europe. Andreas has a very successful 30-year track-record in the waste management and renewable energy industries (solar, wind and biogas). He has worked on major projects for corporate and government clients in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, the UK, Ireland and many Eastern European countries.

Udo Nenning

Germany and Global automotive
+49 172 742 5363
managwest consultant

During my global business career and later working on several projects with EBRD I realized that most rules how to sell and buy are applying to almost every industry segment and not just to automotive, where I have more than 30 years of experience. Crucial to all new markets is the guarantee to achieve positive cash flow at the end ! Therefor besides work in progress inventories a tight control of your finished goods and raw material are essential to improve cash flow.

Johan van der Riet

Holland and Global Agriculture
+31 650 652606
managwest consultant

Netherlands is # 2 globally in agriculture related business, flowers included with 70 Billion € turnover. Johan, based in Rotterdam is an unofficial world-record holder with “ longest CV of Agiculture projects in all continents” .  He can assist Finnish companies in any agriculture related assignment in Europe

Salvatore Lucia

Italy + Global food
+39 348 64 69213
managwest consultant

A life spent working for the biggest Food Multinational companies but, at same time, dealing for business, with small and medium size food enterprises. From Production, Product development, Quality,  Sales , Supply Chain, Sourcing and  now, to the most exciting:  sales on-line. Where ? Globally;  East, Far east, Arabic countries, Usa, Europe and of course Italy,  where I continue to be inspired by deep food culture.

Export from Italy or Import to Italy are one the most exciting experience that I continue to live. If you like to exchange with me some ideas on food, Italy, import, export, sales, value proposition, I´m here for you with managWest Helsinki friends

Natasa Gojkovic Bukvic

Italy and Croacia
managwest consultant

Unique competences in procurement in auto motive industry through 8 as General Manager Getrag-Magna spa logistics operations . More than 25 years experience in raising efficiencies in supply chain and logistics, designing and implementing logistics and supply chain strategy: sourcing, logistics inbound and outbound, inventories, materials, distribution and transportation, warehouse management and operation management.
Excellent results obtained in five EBRD projects working on the strategic development of the entire supply chain and finally giving hands-on coaching during the implementation of the agreed activities.

Vitaliy Idrissov

+7 701 747-91-03
managwest consultant

Vitaly is an experienced international consultant in Kazakhstan and Central Asia. He participates in international projects under the auspices of the EBRD and the International Trade Center (ITC).

Currently, Vitaly is consulting projects at the ITC office for Eastern Europe and Central Asia, specializing in e-commerce.

Vitaliy’s areas of activity are among others :

Electronic commerce
Market analyses and Promotion of new projects on the market
Operational management of the enterprise
Creating brands in the new markets

Žydrūnas Kondrotas

Kazastan, Central-Asia
managwest consultant

Zytrunas has a company over 10 year in Alma-Ata with industry experts on both industrial and consumer goods segments

Kazahstan and Tadjekistan are the real strongholds of the company but the experts make projects also regularly in Kirgistan and Uzbekistan. The team offers for newcomers the entire go to market -process: market analysis , distribution search, support in negotiations – after the entry the company offers agency services for various services

Valdas Andriunas

Liettua , ValkoVenäjä
+370 699 39530
managwest consultant

Vaidas will be happy to support Finish companies to research new business opportunities and prepare market capture strategies in Lithuenia and Belarus and other developing countries. Vaidas and his team have 15 years experience in FMCG, DIY and manufacturing companies in Baltic states with total yearly turnover of 3,6 Billion EUR. Vaidas has been responsible for marketing strategies, growth and business development fields as chief of marketing or consultant for more than 30 projects.

Sergey Alekshin

Norja, Ruotsi, Venäjä
+7 921 984 4548

Sergey Alekshin, tuhannen Venäläisjohtajan haastattelija, on tehnyt strategista markkina-analyysia ja asiakaspotentiaalin kartoitusta em. suomalaisyrityksille 10 vuotta. Kymmenien asiakasprojektien tiimoilta hän on haastatellut satoja venäläisiä yritysjohtajia kasvotusten ja tehnyt tuhansia puhelinhaastatteluita lähes kaikilla Suomea koskevilla toimialoilla. Konsulttitapaaminen toimii usein oven avaajana myöhemmille myyntiaktiviteeteille.

    Hänen keskeiset toimialueet:

  • strategiset markkina-analyysit, asiakashaastatteluiden avulla
  • myynti- ja asiakaspotentiaalin kartoitus (puhelinhaastattelut)
  • myyntitapaamisten järjestäminen

Mariusz Grzybowski

+48 509 301 969
managwest consultant

Mariusz is among leading European experts in furniture and house interior manufacturing and other related industries in wood, glass, metal etc. He can identify in Poland best opportunities for Finnish companies both in procurement and manufacturing as in sales and distribution

Mario Matei

Romania, Eastern Europe
+40 722 459053
managwest consultant

Mario has a 35 years General Management, Operations and Production experience with Global companies both in industrial and consumer goods in various continents.

He was working in 15 major projects in Romania and East Europe, setting manufacturing strategy, improve their operations & organization and supported the process of outsourcing

Mario`s focus offering to Finnish companies is

In Romania and EEC low cost countries: identifying best suppliers base and production outscourcing; Assisting the process of Merger & Acquisitions

Zdravko Janković

Serbia , Balkan countries – e-commerce globally
+381 60 04 17 975
managwest consultant

More than 15 years in data driven media and strategy planning business followed by e-commerce establishing and developing. Expert for media digitalization and e-commerce establishing.

Worked within EBRD with Tapio supporting several EBRD SME clients going into next step of their businesses. Zravko`s expertise in digital marketing and setting e-commerce platforms can be utilized in any country of operations .

Djordje Mirkovic

Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Macedonia, Bulgaria
managwest consultant

Djorde works actively after his long Unillever career with various retail chains on food and non-food in countries listed above. F. ex Finnish hich-tech and novelty services and solutions will definitely have demand in the area.

Gökçe Yalçın


Turkey with its vast opportunities has several interesting new opportunities for Finns, both in exports as imports. Gökçe having 28 years of top level management experience, in different industries in Turkey, is working mainly on top line growth and export development.  Experience with Tapio in CIS countries. Gökçe, can offer a wide array of research and matchmaking services from agrofood to business services, from ICT to life sciences, for your procurement, contract manufacturing or relocation of production.”

Roland Rizk

United Arab Emirates (Dubai) + Kuwait + whole Gulf Area
+971 56 2190791
managwest consultant

After +15 years experience on Top management positions in various industries in the Gulf Area the experts made good success with Tapio in EBRD bringing several Eastern Companies to promote their products in entire Gulf regions .

They can quickly organize for Finnish companies , both for industrial and for consumer goods companies following services:

Export market analysis in every Gulf country; identifying optimal local agents and distributors,  helping in “door opening” for potential clients in the area, advising in pricing and in other conditions ; supporting in the registration process for the concerned companies

Khaled Reda

United Arab Emirates (Dubai) + Saudi-Arabia
+971 56 6831394
managwest consultant

After +15 years experience on Top management positions in various industries in the Gulf Area the experts made good success with Tapio in EBRD bringing several Eastern Companies to promote their products in entire Gulf regions .

They can quickly organize for Finnish companies , both for industrial and for consumer goods companies following services:

Export market analysis in every Gulf country; identifying optimal local agents and distributors,  helping in “door opening” for potential clients in the area, advising in pricing and in other conditions ; supporting in the registration process for the concerned companies

Siim Salme

Viro, Latvia
(+372) 53 4000 30
managwest consultant

Siim ja hänen osin suomenkielinen tiiminsä ovat auttaneet kymmeniä suomalaisia Viron ja koko Baltian markkinoille ja myöhemmin kehittäneet niiden myyntiä. Siim tuntee em Virossa ja Latviassa ”joka kolkan” niin myynnin kuin hankintojen osalta.  Hän avaa ovet suomalaiselle yritykselle ottamalla yhteyttä potentiaaleihin asiakkaisiin venäjäksi tai englanniksi viron lisäksi.